National Science Foundation

The MaterialsMine Team brings together expertise across five research institutions in the fields of mechanics, materials, design, manufacturing, data science, and computer science to build and develop an open-source, user-friendly materials data resource guided by FAIR principles, with current mo
VSTO is a collaborative project between the High Altitude Observatory and Scientific Computing Division of the National Center for Atmospheric Research and McGuinness Associates.
The Transparent Accountable Datamining Initiative (TAMI) Project is creating technical, legal, and policy foundations for transparency and accountability in large-scale aggregation and inferencing across heterogeneous information systems.
The goals of this effort is to design and implement a configurable and extensible semantic eScience framework. Configuration will require some research into accommodating different levels of semantic expressivity and user requirements from use cases.
SSIII is a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded effort to enhance the interoperability of sea ice data to establish a network of practitioners working to enhance semantic interoperability of all Arctic data.
The goal of this project is to develop at the RPI Tetherless World Constellation, based within the NCAR High Altitude Observatory and in collaboration with the University of Texas at El Paso, the University of Michigan and McGuinness Associates a semantically-enabled data ingest capability.
Our evolving semantics=driven data resource, named NanoMine, is an open access, user friendly, living, growing, data resource for the polymer nanocomposites community that is scalable and enables improved understanding of processing – structure - property relationships and thus facilitates faster
Searching in DataONE currently focuses on fielded and full-text metadata.
The Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) was created to serve PIs funded by the NSF Biological and Chemical Oceanography Sections as a location where marine biogeochemical, ecological and oceanographic data and information developed in the course of scientific res