Talks & Lectures
Tetherless World Education and Discussion (TWed) Talks are are informal overview discussions and tutorials on topics of interest to the Tetherless World community and give members and friends the chance to share tools and expertise. View the recording from TWC’s most recent TWed talk which took place in November 2021.
Plan to join us WEDS, 09 Dec for a very, VERY special TWed as the Tetherless World Constellation holds another "virtual" version of our end-of-term Graduate Research
"Lightning Talks." TWed Lightning Talks are a great way for the TWC community and friends to learn of the wide range of amazing research happening in the Tetherless World, and "a good time is had by all!"
Lightning talks are VERY short --- approx. 2-3 minute! --- summaries by our students of current research work, with no NO SLIDES and only brief "crib notes."