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TWed Talk (9 Nov 2022): Alexander Lutsevich on "Exploring (digital) tools for academic note-taking and writing"

Posted November 7, 2022
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6p Weds, 9 Nov 2022, Winslow 1140

TITLE: "Exploring (digital) tools for academic note-taking and writing"
LEADER: Alexander (Sasha) Lutsevich
DATE: Weds, 09 Nov, 6p
LOCATION: Winslow 1140
KEYWORDS: Writing, digital tools, workflows

Please join us in person​ this Weds (09 Nov, 6p) as Alexander (Sasha) Lutsevich leads us in a discussion of the array of digital writing tools available to students and scholars, with suggestions on how to assemble a workflow that is write for your individual needs.

DESCRIPTION: Writing is the bread-and-butter of academia. With an abundance of writing tools to choose from, the intuitive question is "Which one works best for me?" This may be the wrong approach: many tools have a specific function, while the writing process involves multiple components and stages. Therefore, a more fitting take seems to explore which tools are most accessible, flexible, and function best with each other. In this talk, Sasha will lead us in a discussion of a workflow integrating Markdown, Biblatex, Pandoc, and Latex (if need be) for academic note-taking, writing, and knowledge-management.

BIO: Alexander (Sasha) Lutsevich is a Ph.D. student in the Cognitive Science Department, working on the evolutionary role of biases in the acquisition of expertise. He received a Diplom (equivalent to a combined Bachelor and Master’s degree) in Psychology at the University of Bamberg, Germany and an M.S. degree in Cognitive Science at RPI.

PIZZA and salads will be available approx 5:30-5:45p

TWed Fall 2022 Schedule:

TWed Talks are informal overview discussions and tutorials on topics of interest to the Tetherless World community. TWed Talks give members and friends of these labs the chance to share tools and expertise. TWed Talks are not intended to be lectures; we expect them to be highly interactive and fun! TWed Talk leaders are always encouraged to include live "hack" activities in their session plans.

LINKS TO TOOLS: All listed tools are cross-platform (Windows + Linux + MacOS), free, and (with one exception) open-source.