
Course Description

Introduction to relational analysis and interpretation of spatial data and their presentation on maps (using MapInfo software). Geographic spatial data concepts covered are map projections, reference frames, multivariate analysis, correlation analysis, regression, interpolation, extrapolation, and kriging. Database concepts of building and manipulating a spatial database, SQL, spatial queries, and integration of graphic and tabular data are covered. During each class we will discuss topics and do examples. Related take-home exercises will be assigned. Students will occasionally be asked to present their weekly assignment to the rest of the class. Each student will do a semester-long project on some topic of particular interest to them, but also of relevance to the class. These projects will be presented to the class at the last meeting. Four credit hours.

Professors: Peter Fox

Course Goals

  1. To provide students an opportunity to learn geospatial applications and tools.
  2. To introduce relational analysis and interpretation of spatial data and presentation on maps.
  3. To introduce spatial database concepts and technical aspects of query languages and geographic integration of graphic and tabular data.
  4. To introduce intermediate aspects of geospatial analysis: map projections, reference frames, multivariate analysis, correlation analysis, regression, interpolation, exptrapolation, and kriging.
  5. To gain experience in an end-to-end GIS application via a term project.

Past Classes