Semantic tabular interpretation algorithm
The SDD-Gen is an ontological-level alignment algorithm that aligns tabular data to ontological terms for knowledge graph generation. It leverages context information from data dictionaries to generate suggestions for tabular alignments using semantic data dictionaries. It can operate on complex tables with multiple subject columns and few named entities.
Data annotation, Knowledge extraction
- Johnson M, Stingone JA, Bengoa S, Masters J, and McGuinness DL. “Complex Semantic Tabular Interpretation using SDD-Gen,” in IEEE 18th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC). IEEE, 2024.
- Johnson M, Ravi M, Pinheiro P, Stingone JA, and McGuinness DL. “A Semi-automated Approach to Data Harmonization across Environmental Health Studies.” in ISEE Conference Abstracts. volume 2020, 2020.