Research Associate Professor
Email: jluciano@mit.eduHomepage: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joanneluciano/?originalSubdomain=vi
Dr. Joanne Luciano was with the Tetherless World Constellation from August of 2010 until December 2013 as a Research Associate Professor.
Dr. Luciano has played a leading role in the BioPathways Consortium, in the creation and development of BioPAX and the establishment of the W3C initiative in the Health Care and Life Sciences. She is co-developer of the OWL-based BioPAX pathway ontology which has become the standard for pathway-related bio-research. She has made significant contributions to pathway modeling, and is familiar with systems such as EcoCYC, BIND, WIT, KEGG, SBML, and others. She has intimate familiarity with the relevant tools such as Stanford’s Protégé knowledge acquisition tool and the underlying Semantic Web technologies including OWL and RDF. These skills together with her extensive interactions with the multi-disciplinary community of researchers, places her in a unique position to contribute to projects with her skill, contacts, and know-how. Of particular significance is her ability to effectively communicate with specialists in a range of disciplines (computer science, biology, medicine, physics) which enables effective cross-disciplinary collaborative research.
Dr. Luciano has played a leading role in the BioPathways Consortium, in the creation and development of BioPAX and the establishment of the W3C initiative in the Health Care and Life Sciences. She is co-developer of the OWL-based BioPAX pathway ontology which has become the standard for pathway-related bio-research. She has made significant contributions to pathway modeling, and is familiar with systems such as EcoCYC, BIND, WIT, KEGG, SBML, and others. She has intimate familiarity with the relevant tools such as Stanford’s Protégé knowledge acquisition tool and the underlying Semantic Web technologies including OWL and RDF. These skills together with her extensive interactions with the multi-disciplinary community of researchers, places her in a unique position to contribute to projects with her skill, contacts, and know-how. Of particular significance is her ability to effectively communicate with specialists in a range of disciplines (computer science, biology, medicine, physics) which enables effective cross-disciplinary collaborative research.
Events (sample)
- 2013
ACM Web Science 2013, Palis de Congress, May 1-6, 2013, Paris France Topics: Health Web Science, Web Observatories. - IEEE ICSC http://ieee-icsc.org/icsc2013/ Seventh IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, September 16-18, 2013 Hyatt Regency Irvine, Irvine, California, USA Tutorial and Workshop on Semantic Computing in Health Care (TWSCHC 2013). Tutorial Slides: Ontologies in Biomedicine - An introduction [Download]
2012 - Dozar Visiting ScholarIsrael Workshop at Ben-Gurioun University, Beer Sheva Scheduled for December (Details TBD)
- Keynote: Understanding Recovery as a Mechanism for Individualized Treatment Selection in Major Depressive Disorder: A case study (Abstract) [Download] Presented at the Joint Workshop on Semantic Technologies Applied to Biomedical Informatics and Individualized Medicine (http://iswc2012.semanticweb.org/workshops/SATBI%2BSWIM2012) co-located with the 11th International Semantic Web Conference (http://iswc2012.semanticweb.org/), November 12, 2012, Boston, MA USA.
- Joanne S. Luciano, Grant Cumming, Christopher Jo Baker, Eva Kahana, Health Web Science – Definition, Scope, and How It Complements Medicine 2.0 [Download] http://www.medicine20congress.com/ocs/index.php/med/med2012/paper/view/1030 Medicine 2.0, Boston, MA, Sept 15-16, 2012
- Luciano, Joanne S., How Data Science, the Web, and Linked Data are Changing Medicine [Download] Wolfram Data Summit, Washington DC, Sept 6-7, 2012
- Luciano, Joanne S. Data Driven Medicine; Data, not Programs, Sharing, not Hoarding, Personal, not Population [Download] UAB Innovation Forum BIG DATA Forum / June 5, 2012
- Tom Munnecke interviewing Joanne S. Luciano on Data-Driven Medicine, June 4, 2012 http://munnecke.com/blog/?p=1690
- Co-Chair, ISCB Conference on Semantics in Health Care and Life Science, February 2012, Boston, MA
- 2011
- International Conference on Biomedical Ontology, July 27-30, Buffalo, NY, USA http://tw.rpi.edu/web/event/ICBO/2011
- Elsevier / Tetherless Health and Life Science Hackathon, June 27-28, Pat's Barn, RPI, Troy NY
- Webscience 2011, Health Web Science Workshop, Koblenz, Germany, June 15, 2011 http://www.websci11.org/workshops/health-web-science-workshop/
- Conference on Health Care and Life Science, Cambridge, MA Feb 23-25
- Geo-Data Informatics 2011 Workshop, Session Moderator
- American Medical Informatics Association, Joint Summits on Translational Science: TBI/CRI 2011
- CSHALS - Conference on Semantics in Health Care and Life Sciences - February, 2011, Boston, MA USA. Organizing Committee
- ACM WebScience Conference, Koblenz, Germany, Co-organized first workshop in Health Web Science
- Nanomedcine, Troy NY, USA, September 2011
- ICBO - International Conference for Biomedical Ontology, Buffalo, NY, USA
- ACM CIKM MedEx - Presentation/Paper in Medicine on the Internet, Glasgow, Scotland, Oct 28, 2011
- EMBO/EMBL Science and Society, Understanding Mental Illness, Heidelberg, Germany, Nov 4-5, 2011
- 2010
- NCBO - IDO - National Center for Biomedical Ontology - Infectious Disease Ontology Workshop - December 7-9, 2010 Baltimore, MD
- BPC - BioPathways Consortium Conference co-located with ISMB
- BioOntologies
- CSHALS 2010
For events prior to 2010 - See http://arep.med.harvard.edu/~jluciano/