Matthew Johnson

Matt Johnson defense
Ph.D. 2024
A Data Dictionary Based Approach to Semantic Tabular Mapping
Advisor: Deborah L. McGuinness


Matthew Johnson is a Computer Science Ph.D. student advised by Dr. Deborah L. McGuinness and a research scientist with the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). He has a Masters in Computer Engineering from Rochester Institute of Technology where he researched the effectiveness of L1-PCA embeddings for face recognition algorithms run on occluded images.

Matt's current research interests lie in developing systems that address real-world problems using machine learning and semantic web technology to enhance each other. Currently, he is working under the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) Human Health Exposure Analysis Resource (HHEAR) program developing tools to semi-automatically align exposure study data to knowledge graphs for future analysis.

In his free time, Matt enjoys playing board games along with Dungeons & Dragons with his friends.

Projects as Research Assistant

In 2019 the Human Health Exposure Analysis Resource (HHEAR) Data Center was established by NIEHS as a continuation of the CHEAR Data Center expanding to include health outcomes at all ages.

HADatAc (Human-Aware Data Acquisition framework) is an open-source infrastructure that enables combined acquisitions of data and metadata in a way that metadata is properly and logically connected to data.