Laura Papaleo took her Master Degree in Computer Science (cum laude) at the University of Catania in 1998 with a thesis on Computational Geometry partially developed with a stage at the CS Department at Stanford University (USA) under the supervision of Prof. L. Guibas. In 2004 she got her Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Genova with a dissertation 3D surface reconstruction with uncertainty (Multi-sensors Data Fusion).
Since 1998, she has been successfully involved in many national and international research projects dealing mainly with Multimedia content reasoning, semantic annotation and retrieval.
Laura is currently a Post-doc Researcher within the LRI - University of Paris-SUD where she works on topics related to Semantic Web and Open Linked Data (Data integration), maintaining active collaborations at international level as - for example - with Prof. James Hendler (RPI, USA), Prof. Leila De Floriani (University of Genova, ITALY) and Prof. Hanan Samet (University of Maryland, USA). Her current interests span from 3D Digital Shape provenance, structuring and reasoning to Semantic Web Technologies, Linked Open Data, as HCI and the evolution for the Web x.0.
Since 1998, she has been successfully involved in many national and international research projects dealing mainly with Multimedia content reasoning, semantic annotation and retrieval.
Laura is currently a Post-doc Researcher within the LRI - University of Paris-SUD where she works on topics related to Semantic Web and Open Linked Data (Data integration), maintaining active collaborations at international level as - for example - with Prof. James Hendler (RPI, USA), Prof. Leila De Floriani (University of Genova, ITALY) and Prof. Hanan Samet (University of Maryland, USA). Her current interests span from 3D Digital Shape provenance, structuring and reasoning to Semantic Web Technologies, Linked Open Data, as HCI and the evolution for the Web x.0.