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Henrique Santos

Henrique Santos
Director, Semantic Applications - TWC

Dr. Henrique Santos is the Director of Semantic Applications in the Tetherless World Constellation at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. His research focuses on knowledge representation, domain-specific reasoning, and explainable artificial intelligence. His expertise in conducting applied research has allowed his work to appear in top AI journals and conferences including Nature Machine Intelligence, IEEE Intelligent Systems, the International Semantic Web Conference, and the Extended Semantic Web Conference. Dr. Santos has led government sponsored research, including National Spectrum Consortium's Policy Development, and DARPA's Machine Common Sense.

Projects as Research Staff

DARPA is the research and development office for the U.S. Department of Defense. It maintains the technological superiority of the U.S. military and prevents technological surprise from harming our national security. TWC has been funded by DARPA for numerous projects, including this one.
HADatAc (Human-Aware Data Acquisition framework) is an open-source infrastructure that enables combined acquisitions of data and metadata in a way that metadata is properly and logically connected to data.
The Jefferson Project at Lake George is building one of the world’s most sophisticated environmental monitoring and prediction systems, which will provide scientists and the community with a real-time picture of the health of the lake.

Automated clusteRing Curriculum LearnIng Guided by Human Training (ARCLIGHT), is a classification engine capable of (1) automated discovery and characterization of objects and activities in multimedia data and (2) solicitation of input from human analysts to refine, correct, or update its interna