TITLE: "Working with Wikidata"
LEADER: Sola Shirai (TWC)
DATE: TUES, 21 Feb, 6p (pizza & salad at 5:30p)
LOCATION: Winslow 1140
Webex: https://rensselaer.webex.com/meet/erickj4
TWed VIDEOS: http://bit.ly/twed_twc_rpi
Please join us next Tuesday (21 Feb, 6p) in Winslow 1140 as TWC PhD student Sola Shirai leads us in an introduction and discussion of working with Wikidata, with attention to RPI's very own instance!
TITLE: Working with Wikidata
DESCRIPTION: Wikidata is a large-scale, community driven knowledge graph with a tremendous scope of topics and coverage. With over 100million content pages, Wikidata can potentially be a great source of data for a variety of projects, but it also can be difficult to navigate its structure and query for the information that's most useful to you. In this talk we'll cover some of the basics to get started with using Wikidata, such as how statements are structured, how to perform queries, how to explore its contents, and where to useful resources. We'll also briefly talk about how to use RPI's own instance of Wikidata, and how it might compare to using the official query endpoint. Prior knowledge about Wikidata isn't needed for this talk, but much of the discussion will focus on performing queries so you'll need a basic understanding of SPARQL and RDF.
Slides for this talk may be downloaded from https://tw.rpi.edu/media/295
BIO: Sola is a fourth-year Computer Science PhD student, with research interests surrounding the use of semantic web technologies in AI applications. Sola's recent research has involved topics such as applying ontologies and knowledge graphs to perform ingredient substitutions in cooking recipes, leveraging NLP tools to form graph representations of stepwise instructions, and performing event prediction using KGs of causal knowledge. Sola's current research direction involves investigating the concept of "context" to better understand and use knowledge in semantically enabled resources.
PIZZA and salads will be available approx 5:30-5:45p
TWed & IDEA Community Talk Spring 2023 Schedule: <https://tw.rpi.edu/about/twed>
TWed and IDEA Community Talks are informal overview discussions and tutorials on topics of interest to the Tetherless World and IDEA communities. These talks give members and friends of these labs the chance to share tools and expertise. TWed and IDEA Community Talks are not intended to be lectures; we expect them to be highly interactive and fun! Leaders are always encouraged to include live "hack" activities in their session plans.