DESCRIPTION: The TW Portal <http://tw.rpi.edu> is the Tetherless World's public face. Now in its second generation, this Drupal-based service provides a rich set of resources about ongoing TWC research, publications, courses, students and staff. It also features integrated media such as announcements, news items and videos.
RPI official website team, part of Library Services, have worked diligently with TWC staff over the past year to not simply migrate content from TWC's old platform, but to introduce new features and methods that make the "care and feeding" of the TW Portal much easier than ever before.
Tuesday's TWed will provide an overview of the TW Portal; guidance on what content (such as "Person" pages) individuals can and should curate; and on-the-spot mini-tutorials on content creation based on attendees' questions.
This TWed is esp. of interest to TWC grad students!
PIZZA and salads will be available approx 5:30-5:45p
TWed Fall 2023 Schedule: <https://tw.rpi.edu/about/twed> (we need volunteers!)
TWed Talks are informal overview discussions and tutorials on topics of interest to the Tetherless World community. TWed Talks give members and friends of these labs the chance to share tools and expertise. TWed Talks are not intended to be lectures; we expect them to be highly interactive and fun! TWed Talk leaders are always encouraged to include live "hack" activities in their session plans.