TITLE: "Bibliometrics: The limitations and possibilities"
LEADER: Brenda Thomson (TWC)
DATE: TUES, 28 Feb, 6p (pizza, salad and pies!! at 5:30p)
LOCATION: Winslow 1140
Webex: https://rensselaer.webex.com/meet/erickj4
TWed VIDEOS: http://bit.ly/twed_twc_rpi
SLIDES: https://tw.rpi.edu/sites/default/files/2023-03/02282023TWedBibliometrics.pdf
Please join us next Tuesday (28 Feb, 6p) as Brenda Thomson leads us in a discussion of her work in advancing bibliometrics!
TITLE: Bibliometrics: The limitations and possibilities
DESCRIPTION: Bibliometric methods, such as citation analysis, have been the primary means of studying the development of scientific disciplines. However, these methods have limitations, such as the inability to capture relationships between research concepts or identify emerging areas of research. This will be a discussion about bibliometrics, overcoming its limitations, and what possibilities exist if we explore the various relationships within scholarly literature using natural language processing and network science techniques.
BIO: Brenda is a fifth-year Multidisciplinary Science (MDSc) Ph.D. candidate. Her research interests span bibliometric technologies, data science, and the evolution of disciplines. Her current research direction involves exploring the value of incorporating context into bibliometric analysis to gain a deeper understanding of a research space and then map that understanding to explore the evolution of a scientific discipline. Brenda's work has the potential to enhance the way we study scientific progress and identify emerging areas of research.
PIZZA, salads AND PIES will be available approx 5:30-5:45p
TWed & IDEA Community Talk Spring 2023 Schedule: https://tw.rpi.edu/about/twed
TWed and IDEA Community Talks are informal overview discussions and tutorials on topics of interest to the Tetherless World and IDEA communities. These talks give members and friends of these labs the chance to share tools and expertise. TWed and IDEA Community Talks are not intended to be lectures; we expect them to be highly interactive and fun! Leaders are always encouraged to include live "hack" activities in their session plans.