TWed Lightning Talks (Spring 2025)
WHEN: Weds, 22 Jan (4p)
IN-PERSON: Winslow 1140
WEBEX: https://rensselaer.webex.com/meet/erickj4
EVENT PAGE: https://bit.ly/4gY4ToC
PIZZA, salads, etc.: Starting at 3:30p
WHO: "ALL HANDS" for TWC grad students; this means ALL students of Hendler/McGuinness/Strzalkowski!
SIGNUPS ARE OPEN! https://bit.ly/TWed-Lightning-S25
Plan to join us WEDS, 22 Jan (4p) for a very special TWed as the Tetherless World Constellation holds beginning-of-term Graduate Research "Lightning Talks." TWed Lightning Talks are a great way for the TWC community and friends to learn of the wide range of amazing research happening in the Tetherless World, and "a good time is had by all!"
BACKGROUND: Lightning talks are VERY short (2-3 minutes) summary talks by our students of their current work, with NO SLIDES and (if needed) brief "crib notes."
"The point (of a lightning talk) is to make a point, and explain it as quickly (and clearly) as possible. That's it..." http://bit.ly/AC6jok "Don't get caught up in the whole idea of providing background information or explaining other issues."
HOW TO PREPARE: See this helpful guide http://bit.ly/AC6jok but remember that there will be NO SLIDES for your talk; lightning talks are about YOU clearly describing YOUR work with no props!
- THIS IS AN "ALL HANDS" for TWC grad students; this means ALL students of Hendler, McGuinness and Strzalkowski!
- We have an "APOLOGIES" section on the form. TWCers if you can't be there next Weds, put your name there...
- SIGNUPS ARE OPEN! https://bit.ly/TWed-Lightning-S25