To: The Rensselaer Community
From: Richie C. Hunter, Vice President, Strategic Communications and External Relations
Re: COVID-19 Modeling and Data Resources Recommendations Needed
In keeping with Rensselaer's commitment to education and research, the Institute for Data Exploration and Applications (IDEA) and the Rensselaer Libraries have collaborated to maintain lists of COVID-19-related data sources and scholarly research publications.
A collection of links from IDEA to COVID-19 Modeling Resources, Data, and Challenges can be found at https://idea.rpi.edu/covid-19-resources. A complementary list from the Libraries of new online resources available in response to COVID-19 can be accessed from https://guides.lib.rpi.edu/covid19/home.
As the COVID-19 pandemic is a very fluid and evolving event, IDEA and the Libraries are soliciting suggestions from the Rensselaer community for additional relevant links to be included in their respective lists. Suggestions of COVID-19 modeling and data resources can be sent to erickj4@rpi.edu.
Recommendations for scholarly and research information sources can be sent to whitea9@rpi.edu.