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Xinformatics 2025

Instructor: Ahmed Eleish - eleisa2 at rpi dot edu

Course: Xinformatics: ERTH/CSCI/ITWS 4400/ 6600 CRNs: 78323, 78324, 78321, 78322, 78303, 78304

Meeting times: Wednesday 11:00 am ET - 01:50 pm ET

Class Room Location: Pitts 4114

Instructor Office Hours: Tuesdays 12:00 pm ET - 02:00 pm ET

Instructor Office Location: Amos Eaton 134

TA: Binita Chinemerem - chineb at rpi dot edu

TA Office Hours: TBD

TA Office Location: Lally 205


In the last decade, Informatics has attained greater visibility across a broad range of disciplines, especially in light of great successes in bio- and biomedical-informatics and significant challenges in the dramatic increase of data and information resources. Xinformatics is intended to provide both the common informatics knowledge as well as how it is implemented in specific disciplines, e.g. X=astro, geo, chem, urban, econ, etc. Informatics' theoretical basis arises from information science, cognitive science, social science, library science as well as computer science. As such, it aggregates these studies and adds both the practice of information processing, and the engineering of information systems. This course will introduce informatics, each of its components and ground the material that students will learn in discipline areas by coursework and project assignments.

Recommended Textbook: Thinking in Systems A Primer by Donella H. Meadows

Syllabus/ Calendar (tentative)

Refer to the Reading/ Assignment/ Reference list for each week (see below).

Reading/ Assignment/ Reference List

Class 1 Reading Assignment: Xinformatics Applications

Class 2: Reading Assignment: Use case development and requirement analysis


Assignment 1: Available on LMS

Class 3: Reading Assignment: Information theory

Class 4: Reading Assignment: Foundations, semiotics, ...

Assignment 2: Available on LMS

Class 5: Reading Assignment:

Information Integration

Information Life Cycle

Information Visualization

Information model development and visualization

Outside the current box

Assignment 3: Available on LMS

Class 6: Reading Assignment:

Assignment 4 : Available on LMS

Class 7: Reading Assignment:

Final Assignment Project : Available on LMS Class 8: Reading Assignment:


Class 9: Reading Assignment:


Class 10: Reading Assignment:

Information Discovery


"Knowledge Representation"

Class 11: Reading Assignment:

  • None

Class 12: Reading Assignment:

  • None

Class 13: Reading Assignment:

  • N/A

Topics for Xinformatics/ Foundations:

  • Introduction to informatics
  • State-of-the-Art examples;
  • Capturing the problem: Use case development and requirement analysis
  • Information theory, models, tools
  • Foundations; semiotics, library, cognitive and social science
  • Information life-cycle
  • Information architectures (Internet, Web, Grid, Cloud)
  • Information Visualization,
  • Information Audit and Workflow Management
  • Information Discovery, Information Integration

Informatics Applications:

  • Geoinformatics
  • Astroinformatics
  • Cheminformatics
  • Bioinformatics
  • Helioinformatics
  • Health informatics
  • Ecoinformatics

Xinformatics Project options (examples):

  • Information Management for collaborative websites
  • Information Modeling for Health Sciences: Patient Records
  • Information Management for Disasters: Earthquakes/Flooding/Landslides
  • Information Management for Early Warning Systems: Dengue/Malaria Mosquito Early Warning System
  • Information Architecture Analysis Case Study: GEOSS
  • Information Content, Content and Structure Analysis: Library Information Systems
  • Digital Twins

Suggested Prerequisites

Knowledge such as that gained in a Database class (e.g., CSCI-4380) Knowledge such as that gained in a Data Structures class (e.g., CSCI-1200) Knowledge such as that gained in a Data Science class (e.g. ITEC/CSCI/ERTH 4350/6350) or permission of the instructor

Academic Integrity:

Student-teacher relationships are built on trust. For example, students must trust that teachers have made appropriate decisions about the structure and content of the courses they teach, and teachers must trust that the assignments that students turn in are their own. Acts that violate this trust undermine the educational process.  

The Rensselaer Handbook of Student Rights and Responsibilities and the Graduate Student Supplement (For 6000 level and above courses) define various forms of Academic Dishonesty and you should make yourself familiar with these. In this class, all assignments that are turned in for a grade must represent the student’s own work. In cases where help was received, or teamwork was allowed, a notation on the assignment should indicate your collaboration. Submission of any assignment that is in violation of this policy will result in (1) an academic (grade) penalty and (2) reporting to Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and either the Dean of Students (for Undergraduates) or the Dean of Graduate Education (for Graduate students).  

In this course, the academic penalty for a first offense is zero grade for the relevant portion of the grade. A second offense will result in failure of the course.  

If you have any questions concerning this policy before submitting an assignment, please ask for clarification.

Academic Accommodations:

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute strives to make all learning experiences as accessible as possible. If you anticipate or experience academic barriers based on a disability, please let me know immediately so that we can discuss your options.  

To establish reasonable accommodations, please register with The Office of Disability Services for Students (; 518-276-8197; 4226 Academy Hall). After registration, make arrangements with me as soon as possible to discuss your accommodations so that they may be implemented in a timely fashion.”

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute On- and Off-Campus Support Resources: Fall 2024 
Remember, seeking help is a strength, not a weakness



Student Health Center* 

Mon-Fri, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm EST

The mission of the Student Health Center (SHC) is to keep students healthy so that they may achieve their academic, personal, and athletic goals. The SHC provides confidential, accessible, cost-effective, current evidence-based treatment for acute and chronic physical health problems. At this time, appointments are being offered virtually (phone and video). Call 518-276-6287 to schedule an appointment, or schedule one through your Student Health portal. There are no walk-in appointments available at the Student Health Center during this time.  
*information subject to change based on pandemic conditions


Counseling Center* 
Mon-Fri, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm EST (some weekday evening hours available by appointment) 
The goal of the Counseling Center is to help students maximize their sense of well-being as well as their academic, personal, and social growth. Appointments are free and confidential, and in-person at the Counseling Center, 4th Floor of Academy Hall. Some WebEx and phone appointments will be offered as needed. Please contact the Counseling Center for this service. Appointments can be made by calling 518-276-6479 or email: Counseling Center staff are available in case of a crisis on evenings and weekends (call Public Safety at 518-276-6611 and ask to speak with the on-call counselor).  
*information subject to change based on pandemic conditions


Office of Health Promotion  
Health promotion initiatives at Rensselaer are evidence-based and comprehensive efforts to improve health knowledge, behaviors, and skills of Rensselaer students. Health Educators provide campus programming on a variety of health topics, and are available for one-on-one consultations around issues including, but not limited to: sleep hygiene, mental health, sexual health, alcohol and other drugs, LGBTQIA+ topics, sexual assault prevention, and more. All appointments are free and confidential and take place via WebEx. To schedule an appointment, email:  Follow us on social media for daily health tips and event information!  Instagram: rpi.studenthealth |Twitter: @RPIhealth |  
Facebook: RPI Student Health Services | Discord: 
Disability Services for Students 
The Office of Disability Services for Students (DSS) assists Rensselaer students with disabilities in gaining equal access to academic programs, extracurricular activities, and physical facilities on campus. DSS is the designated office at Rensselaer that obtains and files disability-related documentation, assesses for eligibility of services, and determines reasonable accommodations in consultation with students. Call 518-276-8197 or email for more information. 

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