This course will discuss emerging trends in semantic technologies. The course will be organized as a lab meeting in order to provide a solid foundation in all aspects of academic research. The primary objective of the course is to provide students with exposure and experience to conducting academic research, reporting, presenting and proposing research as well as critically reviewing papers and presentations of peers.
Office Hours: By Appointment
Course listing: Advanced Semantic Technologies CSCI 6965-75738 / ITWS 6962-76415
- Prof. McGuinness: Phone: 518-276-4404, email: dlm at cs dot
- Prof. Luciano: Phone 518-276-4939, email: jluciano at cs dot
Syllabus / Calendar
- Week 1: January 25, 2011: Introduction
- Week 2: February 1, 2011: Presentation of Student Research Interests
- Week 3: February 8, 2011: Present and Discuss PCAST (large scale call for proposals)
- Week 4: February 15, 2011: Journal Club (1)
- Week 5: February 22, 2011: Journal Club (2)
- Week 6: March 1, 2011: Academic Research
- Week 7: March 8, 2011: Presentation of Academic Research
- Spring Break (no class)
- Week 8: March 22, 2011: Academic Writing and Reviewing
- Week 9: March 29, 2011: Group Presentations
- Week 10: April 5, 2011: Guest Lecture - Anita de Waard
- Grand Marshall Week (no class Tuesday) Class Thursday 5PM
- Week 11: April 14, 2011 5PM - 7:50 *** NOTE: Date and time change *** Grant Proposal Workshop
- Week 12: April 26, 2011:Project Presentation
- Week 13: May 3, 2011: Oral Presentation of Literature Review
- Week 14: May 10, 2011: Final Presentations
Academic Integrity
Student-teacher relationships are built on trust. For example, students must trust that teachers have made appropriate decisions about the structure and content of the courses they teach, and teachers must trust that the assignments that students turn in are their own. Acts, which violate this trust, undermine the educational process. The Rensselaer Handbook of Student Rights and Responsibilities defines various forms of Academic Dishonesty and you should make yourself familiar with these. In this class, all assignments that are turned in for a grade must represent the student's own work. In cases where help was received, or teamwork was allowed, a notation on the assignment should indicate your collaboration and list collaborators by name. Submission of any assignment that is in violation of this policy will result in a penalty. If found in violation of the academic dishonesty policy, students may be subject to two types of penalties. The instructor administers an academic (grade) penalty, and the student may also enter the Institute judicial process and be subject to such additional sanctions as: warning, probation, suspension, expulsion, and alternative actions as defined in the current Handbook of Student Rights and Responsibilities. If you have any question concerning this policy before submitting an assignment, please ask for clarification.
Attendance Policy
Enrolled students may miss at most one class without permission of instructor. Once one class has been missed (even with permission), all other requests to miss class must be with permission of instructor.
Course: Advanced Semantic Web
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