Web Science Class Fall 2011

Don't Forget -- Movie Night Monday, 11/5 at 7PM.

Movie Night will be in room Lally 02 (not 102 - movie night is in the room downstairs).

Note that if #thankful4this tops 600 uses, there will be pizza.

Instructor: Professor James Hendler
Meeting times: Tuesday and Friday afternoon 2:00 pm - 3:50 pm.
Office Hours: By arrangement
Phone: x4401
Class Listing: ITWS 4200 and CSCI 4961
Class Location: Lally 102
Syllabus: Web Science Fall 2011 Syllabus
Homework and Assignment Page:Web Science Fall 2011 Homeworks and Assignments.
Professor's Resources Page:Lectures, Handouts and Documents.

(as announced in the syllabus): The Participation Page!!

Course: Web Science

Date: to